Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jumping and playing..

Mommy just can't resist my smile.. Someday I will be able to get her to do anything!

I'm finally big enough to reach my parrot!

Now I can't let go..

I love cold weather, cuz mommy doesn't have to go to school and we hang out in our pj's all day!

I'm a genius!!

I can already type better than Grandpa!!

This butterfly is my most favorite thing in the world.. Someday there won't be anything left cuz I'll have eaten it!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Six months and counting..

I'm finally a big girl and can sit up!

Although shortly after this pic I fell over!

Mom thinks my hair is just crazy! I don't get it.....

I love my new shoes.. They give me something even bigger to put in my mouth!

Mom loves this outfit.. So she wanted to get one last pic before it's too small

Happy new year!!

What is this thing on my head!?